Mrs. Chandrani Senaratna

Mrs. Chandrani Senaratna

Ms. Senaratna's odyssey in the public sector, marked by dedication and unwavering commitment, commenced in 1984 when she became an integral part of the Sri Lanka Administrative Service. The narrative of her career unfolds with vivid chapters, each contributing to the tapestry of her expertise. In 1994, she embraced the role of Assistant Secretary at the Education Service Committee, setting the stage for a journey that would traverse various echelons of public service. Stepping into roles within the Public Service Commission, Ministry of Public Administration, Ministry of Technical Education and Vocational Training, and Ministry of Cooperatives, she became a seasoned navigator in the administrative seas. In 2004, Ms. Senaratna ascended to the helm as the General Manager at the Sri Lanka Bureau of Foreign Employment, where her leadership steered the ship with finesse. The orchestration of her career continued as she assumed the prestigious positions of Secretary to the Public Service Commission and Secretary to the Ministry of Women and Child Affairs in 2015. Her footprint expanded further as she served as a secretary and a distinguished member of the National Pay Commission. Beyond borders, Ms. Senaratna's influence reached international stages, where she led high-level delegations representing Sri Lanka in Geneva and Tokyo, embodying the nation's ethos with grace and eloquence. In the realm of academia, she stands adorned with a Bachelor of Arts Special Degree, specializing in Development Studies (Rural Sociology) from the University of Jayawardenepura. Her quest for knowledge led her to the University of Canberra, Australia, where she earned a Master's Degree in Public Administration. Not one to rest on laurels, she further honed her skills with a Postgraduate Diploma in E-Government from the esteemed Postgraduate Institute of Management, Sri Jayawardenepura. To complete this intellectual trifecta, Ms. Senaratna also holds the esteemed title of an attorney–at–law. Her journey, akin to a symphony, resonates with harmonies of dedication, leadership, and a commitment to excellence that paints the canvas of her illustrious career.