Mr. V. Kanagasabapathy

Mr. V. Kanagasabapathy

Mr. Kanagasabapathy commands over 40 years of service in the public sector having served in several senior capacities and retired as Director General of Public Enterprise in the Treasury. He has also served as a member of the Board of the Bank of Ceylon, People’s Bank, Merchant Bank of Sri Lanka, and State Mortgage & Investment Bank. He is a Council Member of the University of Jaffna and on the boards of many companies. He is the President of the Institute of Public Finance & Development Accountancy, and the President of Chartered Accountants Association of Sri Lanka. At present, he serves as the Chairman of the Sri Lanka Public Sector Accounting Standards Committee of Chartered Accountants Sri Lanka and Director of the Hotel Developers PLC, which is the owning company of Hilton Colombo. Mr.. Kanagasabapathy is a fellow member of Chartered Accountants Sri Lanka and a member of the Chartered Institute of Public Finance & Accountants in London. He holds a master’s degree in Public Administration from Harvard University, USA.